Urbanism: Peter Calthrope
Peter Calthrope share tu us in the video seven universal principles
to solve sprawl problems and build planned and sustainable cities focused on
human interaction.
He propose start planning cities and start thinking how people
needs to live. Pointing to cities made for peolple to walk, instead
of cities made for cars, giving priority to people´s health and the enviroment,
so he talk about the proportion of street and sidewalk, clear example of how
cars have taken over the cities, so we have to start recovering our place and
demand our right to have a space to interact to each other, the space that the
cars have taken for us.
Another problem that derives from the sprawl is the
segregation of people in economic enclaves, which also hinders social
I, as an architecture student, am completely agree with
Peter Calthrope, I think we should start to proyect compact and heterogeneous
cities, ending the segregation and integrating the public and private space,
taking advantage of the space we have to generate places that allow us to
relate between us, and inhabit it integrally. Also I think that we
can not turn a blind eye to the environmental problems that are growing every
day, so we should start to take charge.
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